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Saturday Oct 19, 2024


Don’t you wish to have more passionate orgasms? Well, it’s pretty easy to have the super whelmed orgasm. And for this, you must have little patience and good knowledge. We all want more and better sex there is no shame in saying this. For this, you have to perform better in bed to make your relationship stronger and your partner feel special.

You can do a number of things to bring into play your control onto sexual response. And get a better chance to experience an orgasm daily at the same time when your partner feels it. There are many ways to boost up your stamina when you are on a bed. The foremost thing you should know regarding being superior in bed is that it’s not actually extremely difficult or tricky.

Here are some secrets every man should know for a better performance in bed and to make their partner happy and satisfied:

Hit her G Spot
According to research, 55% of men don’t get the G spot of their partner and 36% don’t even know what it is. However, it’s a fact that the G spot of females frustratingly mysterious. The G spot orgasms of females is a distinction of clitoral climaxes and at this stage, her satisfaction is restrained to that deified area which means she feels this all through her lower body. Moreover, while this she will take pleasure while you do this and won’t forget your weapon. Let it be your finger, tongue or anything.

Use your Love Muscle
Going gym making muscles and huge abs can help you get fortunate but if you wish to take more indulgence on the bed you have to work on your pubococcygeal (PC) muscles to make your partner feel more pleasant. You can do Kegel exercise to expand make your PC muscles by squeezing your muscle by which you reverse your pee. You just have to make it tighter and hold it for five seconds then discharge it slowly. You can do this exercise three times a day to get benefits.

Different Positions
Different Positions

For a better sex and a good performance on the bed you must know how to make the sex life more exciting for your partner. You can try out new positions rather than standard missionary, spice up your sex life with new positions. Using sex toys or role-playing are not the only ways to enjoy sex in bed. So try out new positions and boost up your sex life, some of the positions you can try like the crab, the wedge, or the altered wedge and many more.

Boost your staying power
Boost your staying power

Boosting your stamina is also an important thing for a better sex and a good performance in the bed to make your partner enjoy to the fullest. For this, you have to take a well-balanced diet. You can take low-fat goods, fruits, and green vegetables and meat to be strong. Even you can have vanilla ice creams after dinner which can help you increase your sex drive. This can help you to improve your physical and mental stamina and you can boost up your staying power.

If you think you are somewhere lacking to make your partner happy and satisfied in bed then you have to practice. Masturbation before sex can help you to improve longevity in the bed, so you can masturbate to improve your performance. Before one or two hours before sex, you can do it. This is a basic sex lengthening technique to make you stay for a longer period in bed and make your partner totally satisfied.

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